The Myth of Authority

The Myth of Authority

Published on May 5, 2016
This video, created and submitted by "GeoShifter," was the winner of the recent video contest, to see who could make the best video to go along with the narration.

You can become a slave only by voluntary consent.
I am highly allergic to circumcised souls and red flags with Venusian star on them.


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • KarKar
    edited July 2018 Must be logged on
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    What is government? The myth of authority

    Published on Dec 24, 2015
    My entry for the contest to make a video to go with this narration
    A summary from "The most dangerous superstition" a book by Larken Rose

    The belief in government is essentially a religion, the most dangerous and destructive religion ever!
    Hundreds of millions of human beings have been murdered and robbed by their own governments.
    Many millions more have died in government created wars.
    Government is the idea that some people can have the moral right to rule over everyone else.
    The idea that we need to give a group of people permission to forcibly rob and control us so they can protect us from those who might forcibly rob and control us is ridiculous ... and yet ... most people believe that we need government.
    To make this sound less absurd the people are taught nonsensical mythology about democracy, representative government and the consent of the governed.
    But there are several ways to easily prove that government cannot possibly be legitimate, never has been and never will be!

    Post edited by Kar on
    You can become a slave only by voluntary consent.
    I am highly allergic to circumcised souls and red flags with Venusian star on them.
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