Empathy - inextricably linked to Anarchy

edited May 2016 in Empathy - Exclusively Human quality Must be logged on
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Empathy - inextricably linked to Anarchy

Normally we associate Anarchy with Chaos. And this association is validated the jewish driven Anarchy in the early 19 century (together with the communism movement). It is so indeed - the decapitated plasticine sticks lmao has faked the meaning of the real term of Anarchy from all of us. So, I put in question the association btwn Anarchy and Chaos. Let's see what Anarchy means.

From the Greek prefix AN: "without; the absence of" and the Greek noun ARCHON: "master; ruler".
Anarchy does not mean "without rules". It literally means "without rulers; without masters".image

imageAnarchy is the state of existence where there are no Masters and no Slaves. Therefore, Anarchy means the absence of Slavery, or in other words, Freedom.image

The World prior 3114BC (the beginning of Kali Yuga) was in the state of Anarchy. That's true folks - Slavery began with Dravidians, the tribe Yadava (today known as Jews - formally Hebrews), and their "gOd"/leader Krishna. The Slavery ended in 2012 (sorry juice, you are on different train) and now we are in transitional period to 2023, when the State (as such) will cease to exist - any State on the Flat "Globe". clap

I am glad to present you The REAL Definition of Anarchy - a short clip by Mark Passio. Enjoy.

Post edited by Kar on
You can become a slave only by voluntary consent.
I am highly allergic to circumcised souls and red flags with Venusian star on them.


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  • KarKar
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    excerpt from the old forum:

    Simply put, I feel empathy for their lot in life.
    No, you don't. You feel sympathy (you've already experiences their feelings/state of existence), but not empathy. I agree I didn't make the Empathy FAQ yet, but will do it very soon. Sympathy differ from empathy, though their root is the same. I'll prolong on that on FAQ. OK?

    It is the rulers who create economic cycles to prevent the 15% class from growing even larger and more threatening.

    Not at all. The rulers (those who are on open) are puppets in the power that is invisible, have numerous names, but will mention few - demons, archons. Everything is energy/vibration/sound (again the laser thread I didn't have time to answer) - this entities/beings doesn't belong to our world - they mirrors our worst emotional vibrations, and by this way take control over us (ok, some of). They are the rulers (archon mean ruler, master). What they want is to control each one of us.


    From the Latin verb gubernate: "to control", and the Latin noun mens: "mind".


    Sovereign: from the latin adberb super; "above" and the Latin noun regnum; "rulership; control".
    A Sovereign is one who is above the rulership or control of another; one who is not a subject or slave to another.


    From the Latin prefix con; "Together", and the Latin verb scene; "to know". "To Know Together".
    It is the Knowledge of the objective difference between Right Action and Wrong Action.

    Do you believe this "rulers" have Conscience? I don't. If Conscience mean - see the quote - then Empathy not only involve Conscience, but is something else - a unity (backed up by conscience and sympathy + more - as I said - will make the FAQ) of All together with the source we call GOD. Anarchy existed as state of all humanity before 3114BC. And will come into existence again. That's for sure.

    About Authority


    An ILLUSION of a diseased psyche, based entirely in VIOLENCE and built upon the erroneous and dogmatic BELIEF that some people are MASTERS who have the moral right to issue commands, and others are SLAVES who have a moral obligation to obey the Masters.
    "Authority" is an ILLUSION born out of MIND CONTROL, based entirely in VIOLENCE, and built upon the erroneous and dogmatic BELIEVE that some people are MASTERS who have the moral right to issue commands, and others are SLAVES who have a moral obligation to obey the MASTERS.

    You can become a slave only by voluntary consent.
    I am highly allergic to circumcised souls and red flags with Venusian star on them.
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