The Political Satire Art of David Dees

edited November 2017 in General Must be logged on
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The Political Satire Art of David Dees

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Post edited by Kar on
You can become a slave only by voluntary consent.
I am highly allergic to circumcised souls and red flags with Venusian star on them.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
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    You can become a slave only by voluntary consent.
    I am highly allergic to circumcised souls and red flags with Venusian star on them.
  • KarKar
    edited July 2018 Must be logged on
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    You've Seen This Art Before! - The Truther Artist David Dees Speaks!

    Published on Mar 11, 2018
    Josh Sigurdson talks with David Dees about his incredible works of art at Anarchapulco, 2018!
    David Dees has some of the most familiar work in the truther and liberty movement. If you look up Federal Reserve, you'll see his work. 
    He woke up in the early 2000s while working for Sesame Street Magazine. There's no doubt that Sesame Street disavowed him quickly when he started putting out some of the most well thought out, metaphorical works of art in the truther community. There's not much one can write in an article about his work because it has to be seen. We suppose it speaks a thousand words. 
    David breaks down his journey, his favorite works of art, why he does it and where he thinks it's going. There is certainly an awakening happening. 

    Make sure to go to to support the work of David Dees!
    "Find the truth, be the change!"
    David Dees
    Josh Sigurdson

    Post edited by Kar on
    You can become a slave only by voluntary consent.
    I am highly allergic to circumcised souls and red flags with Venusian star on them.
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