I would like to re-post the topic I opened at the previous forum about Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Lowen and theinterconnected nature of the human body and psyche.
Reich was a student of Freud, but they had misagreements on topics regarding the nature of the unconscious. Reich's psychosomatic theory introduces to us four different character types, which of them having different bodily structure and traits.
He talked about the 'muscular armor' - the complexes and psychological resistances of the individual had their physical reflection in the body.
Alexander Lowen is one of Reich's followers. He took a more practical approach to Reich's psychosomatic psychology. He created a system of exercises that brought stress relief and when combined with
psycho therapy can be in some cases more effective than orthodox psycho analysis.
Who's Afraid of Wilhelm Reich (suppressed science)
Published on Jun 29, 2013 This is a video about the doctor and scientist Wilhelm Reich. It talks about his life and his interesting and suppressed scientific discoveries. Some of his devices are easily built and you can experiment with them yourself and you can prove for yourself the power of the orgone.
You can become a slave only by voluntary consent. I am highly allergic tocircumcised soulsandred flagswithVenusian staron them.
The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich 2012
Published on Feb 11, 2014
I am highly allergic to circumcised souls and red flags with Venusian star on them.
Who's Afraid of Wilhelm Reich (suppressed science)
Published on Jun 29, 2013
This is a video about the doctor and scientist Wilhelm Reich. It talks about his life and his interesting and suppressed scientific discoveries. Some of his devices are easily built and you can experiment with them yourself and you can prove for yourself the power of the orgone.
I am highly allergic to circumcised souls and red flags with Venusian star on them.